Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love, love, LOVE it! And October is probably my favorite month. I am thankful for the welcomed relief of the crisp, cool mornings; we turn off the a/c and sleep with the windows open. Even the air smells different in the fall! I love the colors of fall, the changing leaves, watching college football on Saturdays, going to the pumpkin patch, get the idea. And I love the foods of fall...pumpkin pie, pecan pie, honeycrisp apples, fried turkey, cornbread dressing, sweet potato casserole. Yummm!

I have already found some new fall favorites in the food and drink category, and the theme this year seems to be Pumpkin Spice. Starbucks (have I mentioned our entire family's addiction to Starbucks? No? I'll save that for another post!) does pumpkin spice the best! They have this new frappuccino called (what else?) Pumpkin Spice and it is divine!! The pumpkin frapp, the whip cream, and the cinnamon sprinkled on is like pumpkin pie in a cup! If you have not had one, you must run, not walk, to Starbucks right now and get one. Yes, they are that good. And while you are there, pick up a pumpkin cream cheese muffin just for good measure (I mean you already burned off the calories running to Starbucks). They are wonderful, too!

I have also discovered a Pumpkin Spice Trail Mix by Archer Farms at Target. It has cinnamon glazed pecans, raisins, yogurt raisins, pumpkin spice almonds, and graham squares. It is good! And with all of the nuts and raisins in there, I think we can count this as health food and snack away guilt free. The only problem is that I "shared" some with the baby (really just trying to get him to stop begging) and he loves it too, so now there isn't as much for me. Guess I'll be stockpiling this mix for the winter. And while I was at the checkout lane, I saw that Hershey's has a new Pumpkin Spice kiss. I resisted this time, but you can bet that it is at the top of my Target list for the next trip!


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