Thursday, October 30, 2008

The excitement builds

It was a fun day today...the anticipation of Halloween is building. Jack has declared Halloween the best holiday, second only to Christmas. He did say that Christmas was like Halloween except instead of getting lots of candy, you get toys. Hummm, somewhere I have failed in his spiritual growth...we'll need to concentrate more on the story of Jesus's birth this advent season!

When I picked Will up from school this morning, he was so excited to show me his kunkin. His class went to the pumpkin patch at the church and each child got their own mini pumpkin. He was so proud of that little pumpkin; he carried it around all afternoon, kissed it, and would talk to it, "Nice kunkin! Ohhh, kunkin!" Will really is such an affectionate, nurturing little guy. He loves his favorite stuffed animal, Monkey, and takes such good care of him. And several times a day, sometimes out of the blue and sometimes after some frustrating tantrums, he will turn to me and say, "Uh wuz you, Mommy!" As we are entering the terrible twos, these moments are special on so many levels.

We've been practicing how to trick or treat with Will. Of course, he has no idea what is in store for him, but he does understand the word "treat". And Jack told him the treats are candy, which he knows very well! So the werewolf and monkey are ready for tomorrow, check back then for pictures.

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