Thursday, October 9, 2008

Little Moments of Joy

It was a fun day today...nothing major happened, but there was joy to be found in the little moments. On Tuesday and Thursday, both boys go to school. We all leave the house on Tue/Thurs mornings cheering "School day!" Our usual routine is that Jack and I will walk Will to his classroom and then Jack likes for me to walk him to his classroom. Today was picture day for Jack, so he was dressed in his "handsome clothes". One of his teachers was monitoring the hall and as we walked passed she said, "Jack, you look so nice this morning!" Without missing a beat, Jack replied, "Thank you! And you look beautiful!" Made both her and my day!

Another surprise was seeing Jack's Halloween artwork displayed in the hallway. Click on the photo above to enlarge it and you will see that his is the blue picture in the very center of the bulletin board (Jack is trying to point too it, but he is just a hair too short). I had never seen any of his artwork displayed outside of the classroom and was so excited that I brought my camera at pick up to snap the photo.

It rained all day yesterday! We were so thankful for the rain; it hadn't rained in over a month. Everyone was happy except Will. He loves to play outside...push his little red car around, ride the tricycle and the Big Wheel. We got to play outside again today, and the bonus picture is to show how happy Will was to be outside.

Then this evening Jack and I got to BOO two of our neighbors. For the past several years, our neighborhood has played the Halloween phantom hear a knock on the door, answer the door to find a goody bag or halloween cup filled with surprises and instructions from the Phantom. You have 48 hours to Boo two of your neighbors and it must be done in secret. We decided to Boo our next door neighbors and some friends down the street. So we pretended that we were secret spies as we crept through the bushes, left the goodies on the doorstep, rang the doorbell, and ran around to the side of the house to listen. I think we pulled it off without being detected.

Tomorrow afternoon, Jack goes to spend the weekend with my parents. He is so excited! It is tradition that he and Gramma go to the Zoo, and he is already talking about which animals they will take pictures of. He plans to do a magic show for Gramma and Granddaddy and is taking a recipe he found on the Nick Jr. website to make homemade corn muffins. So fire up the oven, Gramma, ya'll have some baking to do! He went to sleep with the biggest smile on his face. Just warms a mother's heart.


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