Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up

Another weekend just blew right past us! As they say, time flies....

Friday afternoon, Will and I picked Jack up from school and headed to my parent's house. It was 2:30pm, raining, rush hour traffic, and the baby hadn't napped. In hindsight, not the best planning, but I was so excited to go to the Alabama football game that my judgement was clouded. It took us an HOUR just to get out of the city. A whole hour and we haven't gotten anywhere...well, except for Will screaming bloody murder in the back seat, Jack playing his favorite car game of "Stump the Mommy with a Thousand Questions", and me trying to drive through the rain while reminding myself that they put people in jail for leaving their children on the side of the road. Nearly 4 hours later we arrive in my parent's driveway; Mom takes one look at me and opens up 2 bottles of wine. After the second bottle, suddenly all was right with the world.

Saturday morning we head to Tuscaloosa for the Ole Miss game. Will did okay traveling except for the last 1/2 hour of yelling "Mimi's house"; it sounds so adorable to all of you not in the car. But it was all worth it to see both boys run down the driveway into my grandmother's outstretched arms. Lots of hugs and kisses and a memory I'll have forever.

In what can only be described as a moment of insanity, my mother and grandmother had volunteered to babysit Jack, Will, C and B (my nephews) while Dad, me, Matt and Karen (my brother and sister-in-law) went to the game. Yes, that would be 4 boys ages 5, 4, 1 & 1. I suggested they start drinking on Friday in preparation. They assured us they were up for it, so without looking back Karen and I bolted for the door for our 3 hours of rest and relaxation. Dad had an invite to a tailgating party on the Quad, so we had fun at the festivities before heading to the stadium. Had a great time at the game...but, a little too close and too exciting there at the end, and heartbreaking to see our Big Man being helped off the field. We got back to Grandmother's house and everything was well under control, with a full spread dinner waiting for us (for those of you that know my grandmother, are you surprised?). I was impressed!

We came home late Sunday morning and enjoyed playing outside the rest of the afternoon with Daddy!

Last night was a bit chilly. So tonight after baths I pulled out the brand new sleeper or "footie" pajamas. I thought Jack might be too old for them, but he assured me that he wanted some footie pajamas because they are great for ice skating down the hall. I've got to agree with him there! So I snapped a few pics of them before bed. Don't you just love your babies (both big and small) fresh out of the bath in warm snuggly pajamas?!?!?

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