Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up

It was really a low-key weekend for us, which is nice to have every once in awhile. We started Saturday morning off with the traditional Starbucks and donuts (or in Will speak "nonuts") run, swung by Home Depot just because a weekend is not a weekend unless we go to Home Depot, and ended the morning trolling for "snacks" up and down the aisles of Costco (yes, we are that pathetic, but it does keep the children quiet while Brent and I look around). Then Jack went with Brent to watch the Miami game (terribly disappointing), while Will stayed home with me to cheer on the Tide (Yeah Bama! I'll take an ugly win over a pretty loss any day.) Will was so cute...he climbed into my lap and said, "Um foobah on PB", which translates into "I'm watching football on TV." And he would cheer "Go Mamama!" Before I realized what he was saying (Go Alabama), I thought Will was cheering for me! I could just eat that kid up =)!!

This morning at church we were celebrating the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi and the children were asked to bring a stuffed animal or a picture of their pet to Sunday School for a special blessing. So Jack chose to bring in Dot, his new white-tail deer Webkinz. It really is kinda funny, in a wicked sort of way, if you know Brent's history with the neighborhood deer. We can only hope that the special blessing extends to all of Dot's brethren who visit our backyard, because if they continue to use Daddy's plants as the all-you-can-eat buffet, then may God have mercy on their souls!

Tonight was Girls Night Out and the girls went to Eclipse di Luna, a wonderful tapas bar. I love going to eat with these girls because they love food as much as I do, so we had a feast! And we all thought we were something because we were driving around in one of the girl's husband's new BMW convertible. Such a fun way to end the weekend!


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