Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An Afternoon at the Park

Isn't October great?!?! We are having the most beautiful weather! On Monday, the boys and I were playing outside and Jack proclaimed, "The sun is shining, the air is cool, I can breathe out here!" I had to stifle a giggle so that he wouldn't think I was laughing at him, but where does he come up with this stuff? Just too cute.

We went to the park this afternoon and had a great time playing. Will's favorites are the swings and the slides. He can slide all by himself now and joins us in clapping and cheering "Yay!" when he reaches the bottom. Then he crawls right back up to slide again. Jack's favorite was the merry-go-round....I haven't seen one of these since my childhood days at the playground. When Will wasn't on the merry-go-round, I would spin Jack fast and he loved it! He definitely gets that from his Momma.

We left the park and went to Bruster's for dirt sundaes. It was a fun day =).


Blythe said...

Mom and I are reading all of your entries and are cracking up!!! KEEP entertaining us. BUT - Please put up pictures of the dining room as soon as it is finished. We are dying to see what it looks like after the transformation.

BTW - we also commented that both of our maids don't know how to look up - so we are impressed that your maids were even cleaning the chandelier.

Blythe and Honey

Amy said...

Thanks for being my first comment! I just knew that you would leave me a message =)!

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