Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 21

Saturday, May 21

I tried a new fitness class at the gym this morning...Group Kick.  After I got over feeling silly about punching and kicking an imaginary opponent, I really liked it.  The bonus was that my arms were sore the next morning.  And I can only dream that this is how I looked in class.  Anyway, it is another goal (#57) checked off of the 101 in 1001 list.

Sunday, May 22

It's hot outside.  You can find us at the pool for the next 100+ days.

Monday, May 23

Will and his good buddy O had fun playing outside this afternoon.  They were astronauts, rock climbers, and jungle explorers.  I love active imaginations.

Tuesday, May 24

My decorator stopped by today with so many of beautiful samples.  Lots of decisions, but it is all very exciting!

Wednesday, May 25

At the age of 4, the world of summer camp opportunities really opens up.  Will is so excited to be going to lots of camps just like Jack this summer.  This week he is attending space camp at his preschool.  When Will got in the car the first day, I asked him how it was and he replied, "AWESOME!"  Today, he came home with this cool rocket ship.  It has been such fun hearing Will describe all the fun space crafts, games and interesting facts that they are learning.

Thursday, May 26

This little bird was perched outside our kitchen window at lunch today.  Will named him Tweet Tweet.  We were right up at the window talking to Tweet Tweet and he would just look at us as if he was listening.  Maybe Tweet Tweet dropped by to beg for a little lunch.

Friday, May 27

We are loaded up and headed to "the farm" for Memorial Day Weekend.  Looking forward to a weekend full of swimming, rafting, hiking and exploring.  I hope we brought enough stuff!


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