Monday, May 9, 2011

My Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day with my favorite boys, busy but they made sure that I felt loved.

My sweet Jack got up before everyone else and on his own initiative made me a special breakfast of chocolate chip waffles with butter and syrup, mixed berries and grapefruit juice.  Will cut me fresh roses with Daddy's help to make the tray look pretty.  Then Jack and Will piled into bed to share breakfast with me.

After breakfast, they gave me gifts they had made at school.  Each had answered a questionnaire about me.  Truth be told, I love these types of gifts...I find it hilarious to hear about my favorites, likes and dislikes from their eyes.  Very revealing!

Here is Will's All About Mommy:

I did get a chuckle out of "My mommy loves me because I'm so nice to her."

And Will drew a portrait of me on the back:

This gave me pause for concern.  Those are some crazy eyes, so I was hoping that Will was trying to capture me in my glasses.  But Holy Cow!, I have the neck of an offensive lineman.  After I told him how beautiful the picture was and how proud of it I was, Will confessed that it was actually a picture of a skeleton fish.  I have never been more relieved in my life.

I can never get enough handprint pictures.  I save every single on.  LOVE!

Jack's Meet My Mother:

This boy knows his mama!  He was dead on for most of these questions.  But I didn't realize that I was stressing about his wedding.  Should I be?!?!

Jack's portrait of me:

We all spent the afternoon together and then Brent cooked Bronzed Trout and Cajun Potatoes for dinner.  It was delicious!  I haven't eaten that much butter in ages.  Butter = Good!

I love these boys...all three of them!  They give me such joy!


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