Monday, May 16, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 19

Saturday, May 7

The weekend mornings are special, special because Jack makes breakfast all by himself.  He gets the toaster out of the cabinet, pulls the waffles out of the freezer, the butter out of the fridge, and the syrup out of the pantry.  Sometimes he adds whipped cream, sometimes fresh fruit.  But it is always gourmet!

Sunday, May 8

This weekend we went to a local art festival.  Brent and I enjoyed touring the art booths.  Jack and Will enjoyed the inflatables in the children's area.  This soapbox derby car caught everyone's eye.  Just a few more years and the boys will be old enough to race.  Won't that be fun! 

Monday, May 9

Jack moved up to the 7 & 8 division this year.  He'll be swimming all four strokes.  Welcome to the big leagues.

Tuesday, May 10

Today after gymnastics, Will decide instead of a candy treat that he would rather play on the playground.  Warm sunshine and a cool breeze, a treat indeed.


Wednesday, May 11

Today was the last Playball class at school and everyone got a medal for a job well done.  Will was so proud of his gold medal.  He wore it all day and had to tell everyone about it.  A little recognition makes for one happy 4 year old.

Thursday, May 12

Jack's had his eye on the 50 lb mark for several weeks now.  He's been eating and weighing, eating and weighing, and eating some more.  He finally reached his goal!  Woo Hoo!

Friday, May 13

The high school friends met at the beach to celebrate our momentous birthdays.  This was the view from the deck of our beach house.  Ahhh!  Good friends, good food, and good conversations are good for the soul.


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