Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 20

Saturday, May 14

We all had a weekend getaway...I went to the beach with the girls, Brent went to the lake with the guys, and the boys went to play with Gramma and Granddaddy.  On Saturday, they went to a dinosaur dig at the zoo.  Looks like they found the head of an ancient beast.  It was fun to be junior paleontologists for the day.

Sunday, May 15

Good morning, Mr. Hunt.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves spending the next week doing laundry.  Mr. Hunt, this isn't mission difficult, it's mission impossible.

Monday, May 16

The blues have arrived in the garden!  This is Jack's hydrangea, given to him by Aunt Blythe the day he was born.  It has just grown like a weed, much like the boy.

Tuesday, May 17

It was the last classroom visit from the Spiritual Life moms.  Today's lesson was about the Parable of the Seed and the Sower.  All of Jack's friends always make Will feel so welcome.  After Spiritual Life, we stayed to have lunch with Jack.  Will gets to walk through the lunch line with Jack and loves being one of the big kids.  My heart skipped a beat when I saw him carrying his own lunch tray to the table.  In a blink of an eye, Will will be a navy shoe wearing kindergartener.

Wednesday, May 18

Each day at the gym, we pass by the bubblegum machine.  It is such a temptation.  Today, I actually had a quarter and Will got a piece of bubblegum.  His "lucky" piece of orange bubblegum.

Thursday, May 19

When Brent was at the big law firm, he started a charity fundraiser called Cinco de Mayo.  When he first proposed the idea, he had some doubters, but it has been going strong for 7 years now and has raised an impressive amount of money for the Susan G Komen Foundation, American Cancer Society, and the March of Dimes.  This year, Brent was invited back to Cinco for the Awards Show, a recap of the Best Ofs from the past 6 years.  The IP team won for Best Song "525, 600 Billable Hours", a takeoff of the Seasons of Love song from Rent.  The IP team gave the award to Brent saying it was like his lifetime achievement award.  Cinco truly is his legacy at the firm.

Friday, May 20

You're never too old for bubbles!  Will was having a wonderful time blowing bubbles and then catching them on the wand.


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