Monday, May 23, 2011

Grandparents Day 2011

Friday, April 29th was Grandparent's Day at Jack's school.  He had been looking forward to this day for weeks because both sets of grandparents were going to attend.

The morning started off with muffins and coffee for the grandparents, and then everyone attended Mass together.  After Mass, Jack took his grandparents back to his classroom to meet his teachers, show them his desk, and take pictures with them.  Then he was able to take them on a tour of his school.

Jack was so excited about the upcoming first grade play, so I wasn't surprised to see this picture of him posing next to the play tshirt.

Jack pointing to his butterfly artwork displayed in the hallway.

Next on the schedule was the Student Program.  Each grade along with the bands and chorus performed a song.  The first graders sang "Button Up Your Overcoat."  After Grandparent's Day, Jack chose for us to have lunch at Maggiano's because "that is where we ate last year."  We are a tradition driven family!  The veal and mushroom ravioli were wonderful!  After lunch, we went home where we watched Prince William marry Kate Middleton while some of us napped.  Just shocked that the men weren't enthralled with the details of the wedding like the women were.

Saturday morning, we went to cheer on Will and the rest of the Red Sox to another T-ball win.  

After the T-ball game, Gramma and Granddaddy had to go home, but Honey and Happy stayed to party the rest of the weekend.  We decided to pack up a picnic lunch and head to a park that had a little splash park area.

It was the perfect Saturday afternoon!

We loved having all of the grandparents come for Grandparent's Day!  It is wonderful to be so loved.


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