Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 18

Saturday, April 30

It was a beautiful spring day!  So we packed up a picnic lunch, a blanket, and the beach chairs and loaded Happy, Honey, and the boys into the car and headed to the park for the afternoon.  Jack and Will enjoyed playing in the spray fountains and we enjoyed sitting in the shade while watching them have fun.  It was a perfect day.

Sunday, May 1

This face warms my heart.  Those highlights, blue eyes, and the gap grin just slay me.

Monday, May 2

and a busy day.  I forgot to take a picture today...oops!  But do enjoy more of Brent's gorgeous gardens.  I never tire of the red and yellow roses together.

Tuesday, May 3

Tuesdays are gymnastics days for Will.  He did great in class today...a flip on the uneven bars, a (almost) backward roll, and perfect ski jumps.  Will also set a personal record for spider on the wall...15 seconds!

Wednesday, May 4

Sweet Mrs. Adela has been cutting Jack's hair since he was a year old and Will's hair since he was a baby.  She loves children and always makes me feel like my boys are so special.  Mrs. Adela knows where every cowlick is on Jack's head and she lets Will have 4 lollipops even though the sign says "Please take ONE only."  Every year, Mrs. Adela requests a Christmas card and every year it is proudly displayed on her wall of fame with all of her other children.  We love our Mrs. Adela!

Thursday, May 5

We were waiting for the start of the First Grade Play.  Will crawled up into Mimi's lap to show her how to play Lego Star Wars on the DS.  Will pulled out one of his silly faces for the picture, but doesn't Mimi look pretty!

Friday, May 6

While waiting for our pizza, I glanced across the table and was suddenly overwhelmed with how absolutely adorable Will is.  It happens to me at the most unpredictable times, and I have to stop and remind myself to soak it in.  I don't want to ever forget this age.


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