Wednesday, May 25, 2011


The first grade play is a time honored tradition at Jack's school.  The highlight of the year.  We had been looking forward to it for weeks.  However, Jack was very secretive about it.  Wouldn't tell us about the costumes, the songs, or the parts.  He wanted it all to be a surprise.

Gramma and Mimi made the trip over because they just knew this was something they didn't want to miss!  There were two shows as the whole school was invited to watch.  We, of course, stayed for both productions.

  Mimi and Will waiting for the show to start.  A sign of the times...Will and Brent are both using their electronics to help pass the time.

Bugz: A Musical Play for Young Voices
"There's going to be a picnic and everyone is pitching in.  The Lady Bugs are in charge of proper etiquette.  The Army Ants are in charge of security.  The Fireflies are there to light the way.  The Praying Mantis is in charge of saying grace.  And the Bumblebees provide the entertainment.  Everyone is trying to figure out how to tell the Stink Bugs that they are not really welcome because they will spoil the tasty event.  The Stink Bugs are feeling very bad.  The Butterflies sing an encouraging song to the Stink Bugs about how things can change.  The Stink Bugs give everyone a flower to hold under their noses so that it covers the smell.  Then all can go to the picnic."

 Jack the Maggot waiting for his cue.

Jack had two lines in the play and they both were "I'm a maggot!"  He delivered it as "I'mmmm a maaaaag-ot!"  His part was that one line from the movie that everyone remembers.  After the play, you could hear students leaving the cafeteria saying "I'm a maggot!"  A couple of weeks later at Chick-fil-A Spirit Night, a middle school boy came up to Jack and told him that he was the best one in the play.  Yesterday at swim practice, one of the middle school girls told Jack that he was the funniest one in the play.  Jack says that he is now famous! 

Jack's group sang and danced to the song "Goin' on a Picnic."

Jack loved being on stage.

We might need to find a children's theater group for him.  A Star is Born!


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