Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 16

Saturday, April 16

This afternoon we made turtle brownies deluxe.  And I didn't even twitch.  Everyone had jobs.  Jack added the water and oil.  K cracked the eggs.  Jack stirred the wet ingredients and added the dry ingredients.  Will and H mixed everything together.  K poured half the batter into the pan.  Will and H laid the caramello bars over the batter.  And Jack added the rest of the batter on top.  Quite a team effort!  And the brownies were delicious.

Sunday, April 17

Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week.  The processional into Mass this morning was beautiful and moving.  This afternoon, Jack led the kids in reenactments of some of the events of Holy Week: Jesus's entry into Jerusalem using palms from Mass, Jesus washing the disciples feet, and the Last Supper using bread and juice boxes.  It is wonderful seeing the fruits of Catholic education.  I pray that Jack and Will will always have a heart that seeks to know Jesus.

Monday, April 18

As I was getting dinner ready, I got an email that our neighborhood clubhouse had been broken into.  Since I am on the HOA board, the boys and I went down to meet with the police officer.  By the time we got home, it was too late to cook dinner, so I ran out to grab us a bite to eat.  When I came home, I find Brent and the boys rolling around in the front yard together.  And they wanted to dine al fresco, as in right in the middle of the driveway!  So that's what we did.

Tuesday, April 19

We had a leisurely morning before heading off to gymnastics.  Which gave us plenty of time to share silly stories over Lucky Charms.  And I love watching this one acting silly.

Wednesday, April 20

It was a fun day at school for both boys; Jack's class had their Easter Parade and Will's class had their Easter Egg Hunt.  While opening up all of his eggs, Will said, "I just love my precious little candy!"  Truer words have never been spoken, but I did quiz him to be sure he knew the true meaning of Easter.  "Jesus died and then came back to life and now lives in Heaven."  Whew, at least we're clear it's not all about the bunnies and the candy.

Thursday, April 21

Will loves the musical greeting cards.  We discovered this 2 years ago when Mimi gave him a card that sang Jingle Bells with his Christmas gift; Will was so enthralled with the card that Jack had to open his present.  Gramma & Granddaddy sent him an Easter card that sings "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" and he was so excited that he broke out into a little jig!

Friday, April 22

Jack saw the advertisement for the African Cats movie, and has been saying for several days that he wanted to see it.  Since both boys were out of school today, we decided to go the matinee.  It is the story of two mothers, a lioness and a cheetah, and the lengths they will go to see that their cubs survive to adulthood.  It was a good movie...lots of cute scenes, quite a bit of tension, and a sad event, too.  Jack thought it was the "best movie I've ever seen."  Will paid attention until the halfway point and then he was done.  Will's review: "It was the worst movie ever made."  However, I think his review was largely influenced by the fact that I didn't buy popcorn and cokes.  Rio is next on our list...and maybe I'll spring for snacks!


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