Monday, April 11, 2011

A Bit Overwhelmed

We had a great vacation, and I am working on a post with more pictures than you ever wanted to see, but right now...[whine alert!] I am just a bit overwhelmed with all of the details of life.  The kind of overwhelmed where I was wide awake last night tossing and turning while a thousand "to do" things played over and over in my head.  Nice, puffy eyes this morning!  I've made an official To Do list with 20 items and have already crossed 2 off so that feels good!  The Spring Break vacation post is #14, so I'll keep plugging away.  Brent left for Europe today, and I'm going to work hard to get the list done while he is away.

I had my first mammogram today.  Too much information?  Just another bonus of turning 40! haha  Seriously, it was no big deal.  The horror stories weren't true for me.  Maybe not enough to really squish?  Regardless, Goal 55 of 101 in 1001 is done.

Will drew "Happy Fingers"

A quick Will funny and then I'm off to sleep....
Will likes "rock hugs", where I pick him up in my arms and rock back and forth while hugging him.  This afternoon while we were rock hugging, I was kissing him on the lips.  And then when he thought my eyes were averted, Will started wiping my kisses off.  I said, "Will, are you wiping away Mommy's kisses?!?!"  To which he responded, "Well, kissing is kinda gross." 

I'll remind him of this when he's a teenager.


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