Friday, April 15, 2011

Tooth Drama

Doesn't Jack look adorable?!?!  I love this new smile.  But it sure did come with alot of drama.  D-R-A-M-A.  

It has been loose for a couple of weeks now, very loose the last couple of days.  While Jack was brushing his teeth tonight, the tooth started bleeding.  Clearly, it was time for this tooth to come out.  And thus started the tears and the wailing and the hyperventilating.  Puh-leez.  I mean this was Oscar-worthy drama.  At one point, Will said to me that he "was scared of Jack's loose tooth."

Now, I can wipe any dirty bottom without gagging.  Clean up vomit, no problem.  Blood, fine.  But loose teeth, heebie jeebies.  Makes me sick to my stomach.  This is a job for the Daddy.  Jack was too consumed by the hysterics, and wouldn't let Brent touch the tooth.  I was afraid to let him go to bed thinking that he might choke on it.  Finally, Jack agreed to let us Brent pull it if we Brent would numb the area with Orajel.  So I head to the store in the rain to get the numbing gel.  

On the way to the store, the EAS interrupts a song to issue a tornado warning for our county and right at that moment my phone rings.  Brent says, "Come home now."  "Is the tooth out?"  "No, there is a tornado right in our area."  Really?  The weather doesn't look that bad.  And then the lightening and hail show begins.  When I get home, Brent has all of us in the bathroom while he is at the windows watching the storm, calling out to us how horrible this weather is.  Now, what's wrong with this picture?!?!?  Shouldn't the only breadwinner for our family be the one seeking shelter?  


The whole time we are hanging out in the bathroom Jack is holding ice on his gums.  If I asked to look at his tooth, he would start crying that it hurt so bad.  Okay, right.  By this time, the tooth has been turned 180 degrees so that the back of the tooth is now facing the front.  Yuck!  I can't even look at it without getting queasy.  After about 20 minutes, the storm passes and Brent releases us from the bathroom.  Please note that the breadwinner didn't spend a single minute in safe shelter; he was too busy at the windows assessing possible damage to his yard and flower beds.  [rolling my eyes]

At this point, I am imploring with Brent to pull. this. tooth.  Brent gives Jack a new ice pack for his gums and heads out to the store for the Orajel.  While he is gone, Jack repositions the ice pack and the tooth drops out into his hand.  Painlessly, I might add.  And Brent walks in with the now unnecessary Orajel.  

The drama is over.  We are happy people.  And I can't wait to hear Jack's toothless lisp!


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