Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Easter Parade

In my Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it....

It's tradition at Jack's school that the week of Easter, the first graders wear their handmade Easter bonnets and have an Easter parade through the halls of the school.

Jack and I had the best time creating a 'bonnet' that was 'spring-y' and 'easter-y' without being too girly.  And this is what we created.

Bunny in a field of Easter eggs

The parade was this morning after announcements and prayers and the parents were invited to attend.  Well you know I wasn't going to miss this!  After the announcements, all of the classes (K-8) lined the hallways to clap and cheer as the first grade parade came through.  Over the intercom, the song Easter Parade played.  It was so cute!

So here are a few of the shots of the bonnets and parade from the mamarazzi.

 Jack's future bride.  They have promised to marry each other one day.  G is the sweetest thing, so that will be just fine with me!

The Peeps bonnet

The class

I just love this gap-tooth grin!

I thought E's bonnet was very pretty.

A little funny:  While the Easter parade was touring through the middle school part of the building, Mrs. W, Jack's kindergarten aide last year, was entertaining the little kindergarteners with her own parade.  She is too cute!

Will was not left out of the fun.  His class had their Easter Egg Hunt today.  He was so excited to get CANDY!


I'll be the proudest fellow in the Easter Parade.


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