Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's Day

Tonight, we had Jack and Will's favorite meal for dinner, Spaghetti and Meatballs!


It was really Fake Spaghetti and Malt Balls!  When I saw this on the Family Fun website, I knew it would be the perfect prank to pull on the boys.

The approach:

Jack was a bit skeptical when he came to the table.

He just knew something was up; he thought the spaghetti sauce didn't look quite right.

Will was all excited about spaghetti and meatballs, and didn't suspect a thing.

 Will arrives shirtless to the table, as is customary on spaghetti and meatball night.

The taste test:

The verdict:

They loved it!  Jack was impressed that the frosting really looked like spaghetti.  And for Will, having dessert for dinner ROCKED!!  Lots of giggles that Mommy was able to pull off an April Fool's joke!

Bonus for me:  This April Fool's joke completes Goal 79 of my 101 in 1001 list: Have Dessert for Dinner!

Then we headed to our favorite pizza joint for our Lenten meatless pizza.  While we were finishing up our dinner, the waitress brings a pizza to the booth behind us.  We overhear her tell the family "please be careful when you are eating your pizza because the cook thinks he lost his contact."  Their booth was silent.  My jaw dropped to the table while my eyes were bugging out of my head.  Brent mumbled that "there was no way he would eat that pizza."  And then the waitress smiled an "April Fools" smile and everyone (us included) busted out laughing.  The dad at the booth put her up to it.  Now that was a good one!

Happy April Fool's Day!  Hope you didn't get punk'd too badly. ;-)


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