Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 15

Saturday, April 9

Strike a pose!  It was the last day of vacation and while I was packing us up, Brent took the boys for one last walk around the Village.  When I looked through the pictures from their walk, I just had to laugh.  In every single one, Will is doing some sort of pose.  He is such a silly kid!

Sunday, April 10

Just thought I would show off our beautiful azaleas, too!  Azaleas say Old South to me.  And I'm a southern girl!

  Monday, April 11

We have been casing the joint for weeks waiting for Yogli-Mogli to open.  It was worth the wait.  Jack and Will tried out many, many flavors of yogurt with all kinds of toppings.  I was more reserved in my selections...cheesecake yogurt with chocolate chip cookie dough topping.  I am certain this will be a regular hangout for us this summer.

Tuesday, April 12

This is my new favorite snack...sugar snap peas and hummus.  I can't get enough of this stuff!

Wednesday, April 13

A special visitor was at school today.  In honor of the Book Fair, Clifford the Big Red Dog was greeting the children in carpool this morning.  Only appropriate since he is "the best read dog on the block."  Yeah, I know.  We watch too much PBS kids around here.

Thursday, April 14

Daddy's home!  Daddy's home!  And he brought treats.  Swiss chocolate is gooood!

 Friday, April 15

Jack has had a hacking cough all week and yesterday he started complaining of a sore throat and that his ears hurt.  Since we seem to be susceptible to strep throat, I took him in to the dr's office this afternoon.  I forgot to bring the DS, which is the most wonderful waiting room distraction.  After waiting patiently for 20 minutes, we started to loose control.  Races on the rolling stool and funny faces at Mommy.  But all's well that ends well; no strep, just terrible allergies.  So we're good to go for the weekend.


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