Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

We have had a beautiful Easter weekend.  We tried to pack as much fun into it as we could.  Saturday morning, a friend and I hosted the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.  Brent decide to sit this year out and stayed home to power wash the house, so I tried to get as many pictures of the boys as I could.  They are both egg hunting pros running at lightening speed, so most of my pics were of them zooming by.

After the Easter Egg Hunt, we went to Will's T-ball game.  It was the bottom of the 2nd (which is equivalent to the bottom of the 9th in the majors) and the Red Sox were down by 1 with one man on base when the last batter of the game stepped up to the plate.  Ethan hit the ball into the outfield and began to circle the bases.  The Yankees were able to get the ball to home plate and had a play to tag both of the Red Sox players out at the plate sealing their victory, but in true T-ball fashion, the Yankee player runs past both of our guys, who are scoring, to tag third base.  The Red Sox snatched victory (17-16) from the jaws of defeat to remain undefeated for the season!  It was an exciting finish...popsicles!

The Easter Bunny did stop by last night and brought lots of treats....

 Jack's basket

 Will's basket

 Daddy's basket

Mommy's basket

Then the boys discovered that the Easter Bunny left eggs in the backyard, so they quickly put on their Crocs and ran out to gather them up.

The Mass was beautiful this morning.  I love singing Jesus Christ is Risen Today on Easter morning.  It just seems more joyful and full of excitement with the trumpet and congregation singing at full volume.  The choir was especially beautiful and at one point I just closed my eyes to really listen and thought that this is exactly what Heaven will sound like when we are all praising our Lord and Savior!  

"Why do you seek the living one among the dead?  He is not here, but He has been raised.  Remember what He said to you while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners and be crucified, and rise on the third day."

Luke 24:5-7

Happy Easter!


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