Monday, August 29, 2011

So What Did You Learn Today?

Typically, Jack is very stingy with the details of his school day.  What did you do today?  Nothing.  What did you learn today?  Nothing.  What was your favorite thing that happened today?  I don't know.

It drives me crazy!   Because there has to be at least one little thing that happened today that you can share with your mother, who is very interested in what is happening in your world.  And I know Jack didn't spend 7 hours at school and not learn at least one new fact, or if he didn't, that's a problem that I need to know about.

So Brent instituted a new rule: every night at the dinner table, Jack will share with us one thing that he learned that day.  Just one little fact.

And I am loving it!  It's fun to get a little glimpse into his day, and I find it so interesting to hear what details or facts that Jack chooses to share with us.
This is what Jack learned last week:

MONDAY:  Bacteria are made of a single cell.  A virus is not made of a cell.

TUESDAY:  Benjamin Franklin was an important man in our country.  He signed the Declaration of Independence and invented eye glasses.

WEDNESDAY:  How to write my capital letters better.

THURSDAY:  There are such things as noise pollution and light pollution. Sea turtles are affected by light pollution, especially white, blue and pink lights.  That's why you're not supposed to shine lights around baby turtles while they are trying to get back to the ocean.

FRIDAY:  That "country" has a U in it.  (Country was one of his spelling words...he made a 100 on the test!)

Seeing a return on our tuition dollars!  It's money well spent.



BeverlyB said...

Love it!

Amy said...

Me too! And now there is no nagging until I can get him to tell me about his day. It's just "What is the one thing you learned" and he tells us. Usually we'll talk more indepth about it, but I think it relieves the pressure of having to think of every little detail about his day.

I'm going to try it with Will, too, once he starts back to school.

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