Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Peek at Our Week 2011: Week 33

Saturday, August 13

It was our last day at Mimi's house, and we were loading up the car to come home.  Mom noticed all of the boys gathered around the DS, 4 boys ranging in age from 1-8.  It won't be long before Harrison (2 1/2) has his own DS; he is already very adept at working the smart phone.  I believe the electronics gene can be found on the Y chromosome.

Sunday, August 14

Jack starts school tomorrow.  We are so excited because he will have his kindergarten teacher, Mrs. G, again!  She moved back to second grade after teaching two years of kindergarten and we feel so lucky to be in her class for a second time.  We thought Mrs. G needed a little happy for her desk on the first day.  Welcome back, it's gonna be a great year!

Monday, August 15

It seems like it was just yesterday...  
First day of second grade, and we are so proud of him.

Tuesday, August 16

Will is spending a few days with Gramma and Granddaddy ALL. BY. HIMSELF.  Each of them looks forward to their own special week during the summer.  When Gramma asked Will what he wanted to do when he came to visit, he replied "Go to the zoo!"  But of course!  Will has also enjoyed lots of play time with Brady.  He'll be so sad when it's time to come home.

Wednesday, August 17

Baby bird is back in the nest.  He looks thrilled, no?  We, on the other hand, are happy to have him home.  Jack and our good buddies next door were waiting in the front yard when we pulled into the driveway.  They were jumping up & down and waving & cheering.  What a great welcome home!

Thursday, August 18

It has begun.  All of the afternoon extracurricular activities.  Jack's activities this fall include soccer, swimming, Cub Scouts, and Odyssey of the Mind.  Will is going to be busy with Phonics, Play Ball, a science class and soccer.  Jack's first soccer practice was today, and it was Daddy's first practice as head coach.  When Jack got into the car after practice, I asked him if he had fun, to which he enthusiastically answered "Yes!"  Two thumbs up for Dad!

Friday, August 19

Will has a couple of more weeks before preschool starts, so we are enjoying a little one-on-one time.  It was Candy Land this morning...blessings and curses!  He was winning game after game , "I'm good at this game!", and having a great time, until Karma got him.  Mommy drew an ice cream cone, Will got stuck in licorice, and suddenly the game isn't quite so fun anymore.  Another lesson about being a good sport.  Will beat me in the final game so all is right again in Candy Land world!



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