Friday, August 19, 2011

The First Week of Second Grade

It has been a good first week as a second grader for Jack.  A few days before school, we found out that Jack was going to have Mrs. G, his kindergarten teacher, for second grade.  We were so excited because we love Mrs. G and we knew that she loves Jack. 

This first week of school has been about settling back into the school routine and review of first grade material.  Each afternoon I'll ask Jack what he learned at school today and he says nothing new.  Brent teases that he is going to call the principal and ask for this week's tuition money back since Jack isn't learning anything at school.  Maybe next week they'll have homework and we can see our tuition dollars at work.  Let the complaining begin!

Second grade has a new library privilege:  they get to check out two books each week, one fiction and one nonfiction book.  Jack was excited about his two books and by the time he got home that afternoon he had already read through half of the fiction book.  We have already christened the new white shirts.  On Wednesday, Jack came home with pizza stains on his shoulder.  How in the world do you get pizza on your shoulder?!?!  Your friend Bobby rubs you with pizza.  Well, okay.

We are all trying to adjust to the new school routine...the early mornings, the long days...I'm back to my morning coffee...Will wakes up asking where Jack is.   But it is good to be back in a routine and we are excited about what the new school year has in store!


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