Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Peek at Our Week 2011: Week 31

Saturday, July 30

The dessert came with 4 spoons, but only 2 people enjoyed the flan.  Ya gotta be quick 'round here, 'cause ya blink and it's gone!

Sunday, July 31

We finally finished painting the master bedroom today!  The boys have been fantastic all weekend while Brent and I painted, so we decided to head to the pool and enjoy what was left of the day.  Jack wants to learn how to do a flip off the diving board and Brent was helping him get a "feel" for what a flip is like.

Monday, August 1

This summer, I was invited by my next door neighbor to join with a small group of ladies in studying the parable of The Prodigal Son in a bible study titled The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller.  It has been a good study with great discussions.  Very convicting, my book is marked up with points I need to apply to my life.

Tuesday, August 2

Today, we discovered the wonder that is Gigi's Cupcakes, the most amazing cupcakes!  Jack had the Key Lime Pie cupcake and Will had the Midnight Magic Chocolate Chip cupcake.  I was good and didn't order one, although the Mimosa cupcake was screaming my name from the bakery case...I heard it!  I did, however, sample what little was left of the boys' cupcakes; after all, we just can't let those delicacies go to waste.  I think this is just the beginning of a delicious friendship with Gigi.

Wednesday, August 3

I love library days!  I could spend hours (and have) just walking up and down the aisles browsing.  Jack and Will turned in their summer reading logs, too.  Their reward was gift certificates to Chick-fil-A, Arby's, and Chipotle Grill, plus they got to pick out a new book.  Very nice!  The librarian at this library runs a tight ship.  Although the summer reading program ended on Monday, I thought I read that we had until Friday to turn in our logs.  Well, she reminded me several times that the deadline was Monday but she would extend me a grace period.  Well, thanks because if not I was gonna have to jump over this desk and wring your neck while my boys swiped their gift cards.  Don't mess with Mama Bear!

Thursday, August 4

While the boys were at camp and at a play date, I ran errands.  All day long.  But I got alot crossed off my To Do list.  One item was buying new backpacks and lunch bags.  Jack has joined the ranks of the big boys and didn't want any cartoon characters (sniff), just a red backpack and lunch bag.  I couldn't find a red backpack anywhere here, so I ordered a red and gray one off of Land's End.  Will chose a Super Mario Bros. backpack and a Green Lantern lunch bag.  We've had such a great summer that I'm not ready for school to start...

Friday, August 5

It has been so hot here that it is just too hot to play outside for any length of time.  I did have the kids outside playing hide & seek with their friends, but it only lasted about 15 minutes before everyone was red-faced and sweaty.  So when they weren't in camp (which is mostly outside) this week, they have been playing alot of Wii and BeyBlades.  Just trying to survive the heat.


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We love reading your blog, such a great way to keep up with what you are doing!

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