Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 8

Saturday, February 19

While Brent was at the office working on a major deadline and the boys were outside enjoying the spring-like weather, I pulled out my accountant hat and completed our taxes.  A necessary evil, and glad that it's done!
Sunday, February 20

At Jack's school, the middle school students choose to be in chorus or band.  Each year, the chorus goes on tour in a European country (Ireland & Italy have been past trips).  For some reason at dinner tonight,  Jack and I were talking about which one he thought he might like to do in a few years.  I said to Jack, "You should be in chorus so that I can go on the trips as a chaperone!"  Jack replied that he thought he wanted to be in the band.  Brent's advice centered on "which one gets the most girls?"  And without missing a beat, Will replied, "Me!"

Monday, February 21

Both boys were out of school today for the President's Day holiday, so we went to the gym this morning then to Chick-fil-A to eat and play.  Jack ordered the Chick-fil-A sandwich of the adult menu (he'll want you to know that).  He was so excited to graduate from the kid's menu to the regular menu, because "the adult menu has alot more delicious choices."  And he ate everything!  Yikes!  Will ordered the 6 piece nugget kid's meal, instead his usual 4 piece meal, and he ate all of his lunch, too!  So, the eating me out of house & home has begun...

Tuesday, February 22

Today at gymnastics, Ms. Ema not only stamped both hands, but Will's tummy, too!  He thought it was so funny to be able to play peek-a-boo with his belly to show me.  But what I love is that he still has his soft & pudgy toddler tummy.  {kiss, kiss...Mom-my! Don't you wish that soft & pudgy was just as adorable on a 40 year old woman?!?! 

Wednesday, February 23

In his Valentine's basket, Will got a little stuffed Mario and Yoshi.  He loves them!  Here is Mario riding on Yoshi's back like he does in Super Mario Bros Wii.  They are now apart of the family of lovies that have to sleep with him at night.  Today, Mario & Yoshi went to school because Will's good buddy Brody "needed to see them."  Thankfully, Mario & Yoshi made it home safely, and Will said they had a wonderful time at school in his school bag!    

Thursday, February 24

Went to Kroger today, and...OH MY WORD, GROCERIES ARE EXPENSIVE!!!!  Last week, green peppers were 75 cents each; this week, $1.39.  The asparagus was $3.99/lb.  Talk about sticker shock!  I mean, seriously?  SERIOUSLY?!?! 

Friday, February 25

I worked hard at the gym today: an hour of yoga, an hour of strength training, and a 2 mile run on the treadmill.  I left the gym shattered, but proud.  And the endorphin rush was nice! 


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