Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 7

Saturday, February 12

We had a great time at the Train Show!  We learned about the different types and scales of trains, and the advancements in the model train industry.  But the most striking observation was that train shows are a multi-generational event.  We saw more grandfathers, fathers, and grandsons together, and it was wonderful.  What was particularly heartwarming was the number of grandfathers I saw holding grandbabies while explaining about the trains and their mechanical workings.  Making memories that will last a lifetime!

Sunday, February 13

The weather today was beautiful!  Almost makes me hopeful that spring is around the corner.  Brent worked in the yard and has declared it "spring ready".  We pulled out the bikes for the first time this year, oiled them up, adjusted the seats for winter growth spurts, and they were off!  We rode down to the neighborhood playground to swing, play and soak up some vitamin D!  Crossing my fingers that warmer days are ahead.

 Monday, February 14

When they're teenagers and we're uncool, I want to remember that at one point in their lives, Brent and I were awesome!

Tuesday, February 15

Ouch!  As we were leaving the gym and heading to gymnastics class, Will tripped (while running) and face planted into the floor.  My first instinct is to check the teeth, and they appear to be okay.  But the lip and the forehead...not so much.  We decided to skip gymnastics and instead Will snuggled with his lovies while watching TV in bed.  Poor little fella!

Wednesday, February 16

It was Grooming Day today, and around here, a certain someone HATES to have his nails clipped.  There is much drama involved.  D.R.A.M.A.  You would think I was cutting off his actual toes!  So, I tend to put it off for as long as I can, until I really look at his toenails and realize they will be cutting a hole in his sock if we don't clip them soon.  So today was the day.  And, surprisingly, he, who shall not be named, did really well.  Very little drama.  Maybe we are turning a hygiene corner?

Thursday, February 17

When Jack got in the car this afternoon, he said "It's 70 degrees outside!  It's the perfect day for ice cream!"  What a terrific idea.  Jack enjoyed coffee chocolate chip and Will loved his chocolate!  I was proud of myself for resisting the temptation of the pistachio.

Friday, February 18

It is always a treat for Will and me to have lunch with Jack at school.  Today, we celebrated Jack's half birthday (or 2/3 birthday to be exact!) with his friends.  Everyone loved the cookie cake and there was enough sugar to jack them up for the rest of the afternoon.  (ha!)  Jack has discovered my blog, and sometimes decides to pass on making an appearance in pictures.  But these two cute friends were happy to guest star with the birthday treat.  Thanks Ashley and Nolan!  Happy 2/3 Birthday, Jack!



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