Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 5

Saturday, January 29

This is what the life of a small business owner looks like.  Glamorous, no?  When he left the big law firm with the tremendous support staff, suddenly Brent became the IT guy, the maintenance man, the custodian, the moving crew, and the bill collector.  While he misses the support staff, it is so nice not working for The Man.  

Sunday, January 30

The weather this weekend has been glorious!  I am certain that it was a blessing sent from Heaven to help us make it until Spring.  We took full advantage of the warmer temps and did alot of spring activities:  helped Daddy wash the snow sludge off his car, went to the neighborhood playground, played outside with our friends, and hung a little bird "treat" that Will made at school this past week.  Will is so proud of his bird feeder.  He told me many times that "it has peanut butter on it but you can't eat it!"  I am sure this was his teacher's mantra while the children were working on them.  Daddy hung the treat from a tree we can see from the kitchen, so hopefully all of our backyard cardinals will enjoy it before the squirrels find it!

Monday, January 31

This silly boy, MY silly boy, had a fantastic day at school today!  First, it was Student Appreciation Day so all of the students had an out-of-uniform day.  Yay!  Second, as a special Student Appreciation treat, the PTA served the kids ice cream sundaes.  Yay! Yay!  Because you are dying to know (right?), Jack had chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup, gummie bears, M&Ms, sprinkles and whipped cream.  "Everything but the Oreos!"  But the most fantastic thing about today was that Jack won the Four Corners game for the first time all year.  Yay! Yay! Yay!  As Jack tells it, his win was cause for much celebration!  Raines picked him up in jubilation, and there were lots of high 5s, jumping and cheering among his friends.  "More than 90% of the class were cheering for me to win!"  And really, isn't life all about the little victories?!?!


Tuesday, February 1

This afternoon, our cousin Cal called Jack to discuss a few Webkinz issues.  And after awhile, it turned into a Webkinz play date across two states!  Here are all of the cousins watching the video "Tiger, Tiger" together.  Isn't that fun?!?!  Well, the mamas got smart and figured out how the boys' Webkinz pets can all be friends online.  Now the Webkinz pets will be able to visit each other's houses, play games together in the Clubhouse, and all sorts of fun stuff.  What a fun way for the cousins to keep in touch across the miles.

Wednesday, February 2

Guess who made a happy plate at dinner?  Our house rule is that if you eat all of your dinner, then you get dessert.  Don't eat your dinner?  That's fine, but no dessert.  And for Will, my picky eater, sometimes it is only the promise of an "ice cream deluxe" dessert that will 'help' him choke down those green beans.  Tonight, he got lucky!  It was one of his favorite dinners, Honey Chicken, so not only was he lickin' his dinner plate clean, but he was lickin' those ice cream fingers, too!

Thursday, February 3

I love this picture for so many reasons!  It captures what a ham Will is...he loves to have his picture taken, especially when he is being silly.  Will has several sweatshirts and jackets with hoodies and he will only wear them if the hoodie is over his head.   I'll say to him, "Will, are you my little homey?" To which he'll answer, "Yep!"  So when he tried on these glasses, I just laughed, "Hey Money!"  And Will broke out into his money dance while singing, "Money, money, money!  I love money!", right in the middle of Party City.  He is a such ham, just like his daddy, and I hope he'll always love to make others laugh.
Friday, February 4

Today was the most anticipated day of preschool... PAJAMA DAY!  The best part was that everyone could bring a stuffed animal & blanket, so Will was thrilled that Monkey and Blanklet would go to school, too!  (Brent and I were holding our breath because if Monkey or Blanklet didn't come home then Will wouldn't sleep tonight.)  For snack, the children ate heart-shaped pancakes with strawberry jam & maple syrup, AND hot chocolate with marshmallows.  Yummy!  The surprise of the day was that another class came to visit for a 'sleep over'.  Mrs. G read them stories while everyone cuddled with their lovies.  For my little lovebug who loves nothing more than to lay around and be lazy, this was the best school day ever!



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