Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Peek at Our Week 2011: Week 35

Saturday, August 27

After a morning of soccer games, it was nice to spend some time lounging at the pool that afternoon.  Love this picture of Will "standing" on the water.  A one in a million shot!

Sunday, August 28

Jack had his first cub scout den meeting this afternoon.  He is going to love the Boy Scouts!  He has already been reading through the Wolf handbook deciding what arrow point activities he would like to try.  After the meeting, we had to run a few errands, so we decided to have a snack date complete with pretzels and icees.  We both love having this one on one time.

Monday, August 29

Who knew the bumblebee and the butterfly were friends?

Tuesday, August 30

Doesn't Jack look so handsome in his cub scout uniform.  We had fun going to the Scout Store, just the two of us, and looking at all of the scout merit badges and pins, camping supplies, and eagle scout awards.  We are so excited to be starting out on the Cub Scout adventure!

Wednesday, August 31

It was Meet & Greet day at the preschool.  Will's teacher are going to be so fantastic for him...both are very energetic, challenging, and fun!  Will had a chance to explore his new classroom and spent time in the block center, the manipulative center, and the listening center.  School starts next Tuesday and I Will can't wait! 

Thursday, September 1

Today was one of those beautiful days.  No carpool duties, Will didn't have school, no errands to run, no need to leave the house at all!  So we didn't.  Will stayed in his jammies until the afternoon and I worked on getting all of the laundry done before the weekend.  I love these no commitment days!

Friday, September 2 

Jack got out of school at noon today, so we loaded up the car and headed to the lake for the Labor Day weekend.  The cousins are meeting us there and we are looking forward to hanging out on the water and watching lots of college football.  Rumor has it that Granddaddy bought a flat screen TV for the cabin.  RTR!


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