Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Peek at Our Week 2011: Week 36

Saturday, September 3

It's our new toy at the lake...the knee board, a precursor to training skis.  I think Will sometimes forgets that he is 4 years old, because if Jack gets to try something new, then by golly, so should he.  Both Jack and Will were able to do a deep water start by themselves, which for a 4 year old is pretty impressive (and added a few more gray hairs for mama).

Sunday, September 4

Our trip to the lake was cut short due to tropical storm Lee.  We figured if it was going to rain the rest of the weekend, then we would rather be rained in at home where we could finish up a few projects.  Like rearranging the guest bedroom furniture and hanging a TV.  

Monday, September 5

It has been a dry summer around here.  So dry that the boys have resorted to doing rain dances to help coax a little water from the heavens.  Thanks to tropical storm Lee, it rained all day long.  We were so thankful and the boys were certain that their rain dances were instrumental in bringing the downpour.

Tuesday, September 6

I am often amazed by Will's confidence.  He woke up this morning excited about a new school year, a new class, new teachers, and meeting new friends.  He knew right where his new classroom was and didn't need any help getting to class from carpool.  And before he got out of the car this morning, he told me that he thought he was the smartest in his class!  So no confidence issues with this one, but humility is another story!

Wednesday, September 7

I am so excited!  I have wanted to do a Beth Moore Bible study for forever, so I was thrilled when I found out that our church was doing one this Fall.  We had our first meeting this morning, and Beth Moore?  A-MA-ZING!  I could have sat there for hours listening to her teach.  And this was just the introductory video.  Looking forward to the journey God has planned.

Thursday, September 8

I love Fall!  My favorite season by far.  This week, the morning temps have been in the low 60s, with that crispness to the air that only Fall can bring.  I have been absolutely giddy!

Friday, September 9

And tradition demands that you start it off with a beer.  So that is just what he does every Friday night!  Brownie points for showing some love for the Tide.  


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