Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just Call Him Beckham

A couple of weeks ago, Jack's school was having a raffle to end the PTA's fundraising drive.  So we bought some tickets and Jack distributed them amongst several items, but what he really, really wanted to win was the Snow Cone Machine.  Well, as these raffle things usually go, he didn't win.  And he was upset.  Mad and sad, sad and mad.  I tried to explain about the odds, but he didn't want to hear it.  I even pointed out how Daddy plays the lottery but never wins.  Who cares.  Jack wanted that snow cone machine.

So the next morning on the way to our soccer games, Jack was still lamenting the snow cone machine when Brent decided to strike a deal.  If Jack scored 2 goals in his soccer game, then Brent would buy him a snow cone machine.  Jack, who is no dummy, thought about it for 2 seconds and then said "Okay!  But what if I score 3 goals?"  For 3 goals, Brent would buy him some flavored syrups.  Sour apple and blue raspberry?  Sure, whatever you want.

Now before you think we "pay" our kids for achievements, think again.  Nobody gets money or toys for good grades, or first place in a swim heat, or whatever.  The reward is seeing the results of your hard work and being proud of the effort.  But this case was different.  Soccer is not really Jack's thing...he is a swimmer.  Jack played soccer when he was 3 and enjoyed running up and down the field, but I don't think he ever touched the ball.  Last year, Jack played again and while he never scored a goal, he was a defensive force.  But he is just not passionate about the game, and we end up talking him into playing each season.  So considering Jack's soccer history, Brent thought he had made a pretty safe bet.  Jack might get lucky and score one goal in the game, leading to much, much celebration on our part.  But 2 goals?  Hmmmm.

Well. Well, well, well.   Can you say SUCKER?!?!?  Cause the joke was on us!  That morning Jack transformed into David Beckham right before our very eyes.  The kid scored 8 goals.  E.I.G.H.T.  Dude!, you've been holding out on us with these soccer skills.  It was so exciting.  Brent, being the coach of the team, had to remain calm and business-like, but you can bet your last dollar that I was the obnoxious, crazy mama hootin & hollerin out there!  And I didn't care one bit.  It was fantastic!  And to see Jack so thrilled was the best part of all.

So, we were now on the hunt for a snow cone machine, and being that I saw some on clearance about 3 weeks ago, I was sweating it out that we were going to be a day late & a dollar short.  But thank you, Best Buy, because there was a bright red, vintage-looking one on that shelf and we had one happy boy.  There weren't any syrups included, and Kroger was out, but these martini syrups worked well.

We invited our friends over for a snow cone party!

 Cheers!  I was in charge of pouring the syrup, which according to Brent, was waaaaay too much.  Oops, rookie mistake!

 Will and his good buddy.  Neither one of them have met a treat they didn't like!

 This is the look of one proud daddy!

It was a great day!  One that may never be repeated, but one that we will never, ever forget!  
We love you Jack!


BeverlyB said...

Yeah, Jack!! Go, Man!

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