Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Peek at Our Week 2011: Week 29

Saturday, July 16

We have seen Mr. Cottontail hopping around our backyard several times, but today he stopped for a rest long enough for me to take his picture.  Jack commented, "Oh, Daddy is going to be so angry.  He doesn't like wildlife in our yard.  They eat his plants."  Daddy is our very own Mr. McGregor!

Sunday, July 17

We are giving the master bedroom a makeover!  We had to make a choice between professional painters or a new dresser, there wasn't room in the budget for both.  The new dresser won!  Today, we pulled everything out of the bedroom and stored it in the playroom so that we could paint this week.

Monday, July 18

One coat of primer, two coats of paint, and then the trim.  It'll be alot of painting.  But I'll be so happy when they roll that new dresser in!

Tuesday, July 19

After dinner, I announced that we had a special dessert...M&M cookie ice cream sandwiches!  During the excited squeals, Jack said, "Will, you were born for these!"  Because Will has never met a treat he didn't like, especially the sugar variety!  I love how he is holding his hand out as if to say "No pictures, please.  I have serious work here with this ice cream sandwich."

Wednesday, July 20

They have been begging to paint all week.  So we put them in Brent's old undershirts, handed them rollers, and gave them strict instructions about where to paint.  Jack is old enough that he is a good painter; Will did fine, but you have to watch him like a hawk.  Jack said his rates are $30/hr...yikes!  But he did agree to settle for a trip to Yogli Mogli tomorrow afternoon instead.

Thursday, July 21

We stopped by Yogli Mogli on the way home from camp this afternoon.  The boys got ahead of me in line so I didn't see their creations until we got to the register to pay.  Look at the size of Jack's yogurt!!!  As we were walking to our table, a lady asked me "Is he going to eat all that?"  Well, yes ma'am, he did.  Every last bite.

Friday, July 22

There were only 5 kids at the pool this afternoon, and the set of sisters brought water balloons, which provided a whole afternoon of entertainment.  They filled the baby pool with their water balloon pets...Alex, Archie, Tiny, Wormy, and The Dude...and they played games with the balloons.  Even the lifeguard joined in the fun with a game of balloon toss.  An interesting twist to our usual afternoon at the pool.



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