Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 26

Saturday, June 25

We spent the afternoon at the lake with friends riding around on their boat.  Will was quite impressed that the boat had a bathroom!, a kitchen!, and a bed where I can sleep!  We swam, collected shells along the beach, ate a picnic lunch, tubed, and skied.  Such a fun afternoon.

Sunday, June 26

Will and I spent the afternoon at Monkey Joe's for a friend's birthday party; Jack and Brent spent the afternoon at the pool.  Who do you think drew the short stick in that deal?!?!  Anyway.  This happy little face always brings a smile to my own.

Monday, June 27

We're starting to make some room in Jack's overcrowded mouth...4 spacers, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom.  He did really well as they were being placed and was rewarded with some Tylenol and a smoothie.

Tuesday, June 28

As we were walking to the swim meet, they both wanted to hold hands.  There was no fighting and arguing.  Just two brothers peacefully walking hand in hand.  And my heart exploded into a million pieces.

Wednesday, June 29

The swim team season has come to an end.  Tonight at the Banquet, Jack received a special award...a Swimmer of the Week towel.  The coaches said that it was for coming to almost every practice and for working so hard during all of the practices.  Jack was proud of the special recognition.

Thursday, June 30

My apologies to all the other nominees, but I am certain that the breakfast I fed my children this morning has secured my Mother of the Year victory!  The boys made a cake with the babysitter yesterday.  But not just any ole cake, mind you...a blue lemon cake.  I was a bit taken aback when I first saw the cake, but it does taste good.  And really, how much different could cake be from a frozen waffle?!?!  I did throw in some bananas for good measure.

Friday, July 1

I love the hibiscus in the backyard because they make me feel that I am someplace tropical.  Tomorrow, we leave for vacation but in my mind I'm already there.


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