Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 28

Saturday, July 9

Sugar coma brought to you by Flamingo's Doughnut Cafe.  Before we headed off the Island, we stopped by Flamingo's to create our own breakfast.  OH. MY. WORD.  DELICIOUS!  Will made a honey-dipped, M&M donut; Jack made blueberry glazed, blueberry chips, and rainbow sprinkles donut; Brent got his favorite Boston Creme; I had the sticky bun donut and just to cut the sweetness, we all shared the S'mores donut.  We have found ourselves a new "End of Vacation" tradition.

Sunday, July 10

I spent the day doing laundry, unpacking, and sorting through the mail.  The boys enjoyed playing with good friends they hadn't seen for a week.  And Brent whipped the yard back into shape.  Aren't his roses gorgeous?!?!

Monday, July 11

The best part about helping out at Brent's office is that we can find 30 minutes for a quick lunch date.  Thirty minutes when we can have uninterrupted adult conversation and we don't have to clean up spills, pick up dropped napkins, or wipe messy faces... well, at least for the little people.

Tuesday, July 12

These aren't just any ol' ordinary shoes.  These are Will's new (to him) Batman or Adventure shoes gifted to him by our good buddy Paul.  He loves these Keens and wants to wear these over his Crocs, which is a huge endorsement!  Will says these are great shoes for adventures and they make him run really fast, which he demonstrated by running up & down the driveway.  It's great to be 4!

Wednesday, July 13

The temperature outside today was H.O.T.  As in Hades hot.  The only relief was to be in the pool.  Will is giving me a thumbs up for the water temp.  It is "awesome rawsome!"  So there you have today's weather report.

Thursday, July 14

Jack got his palate expanders today.  His mouth has been pretty sore, so he is eating yogurt, smoothies, soup, and blueberries...and anything else that is soft.  Once the soreness lessens, he'll figure out how to talk and eat with this appliance in his mouth.  Bless his heart...

Friday, July 15

As Will was getting ready for sports camp this morning, he wanted to wear his team bandana on his head instead of around his neck.  So before they left, Brent fashioned Will a doo rag.  I thought he looked so cute, even with his "Mom, why are you taking another picture" face.


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