Monday, March 21, 2011

The Zingers Just Keep Coming

Another edition of Out of the Mouth of Will...

Friday afternoon, we were sitting out of the deck enjoying a great day.  Will climbs up into my lap and starts examining my face.  "This one here", he says pointing to a wrinkle on my face, "looks like a goat."

We went to our favorite local pizza joint for dinner.  The walls are covered with all sorts of interesting memorabilia, signs, pictures and what not.  While we were waiting on our pizza, we were playing a game of I Spy.  Will says, "I spy something hideous."  I reply, "Do you know what that word means?!?!"  Will, cuts his eyes at me and says, "I sure do.  It means terrible.  I spy something hideous...Daddy's hair!"

He is such a dear!

If you ever feel like you might be a little too proud of yourself, I'll send Will right over...

And then of course there is Jack...our little prince.  Never to be outdone, he tells us tonight he is NOT going to be a lawyer.  When asked why he doesn't want to be a lawyer, he matter-of-factly states:  "lawyers are always fighting with one another....I am not a fighter, I am a LOVER!!!"   Yes you are, my little prince, yes you are.


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