Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fun Run 2011

The 21st annual Fun Run & Family Picnic was today at Jack's school.  We were worried that it might be rained out, but the priests were asked to pray, prayers were answered, and the skies cleared!

This past week, Jack told us that he was going to run in the 5K.  Brent and I tried to explain how far a 5K is (3.1 miles!), but he would not be discouraged.  Jack had made up his mind...he was running the 5K!  Then Will said that he wanted to run the 5K, too.  Well, we put the kibosh on that real quick and suggested that he run the 1 mile fun run.  He was just excited to be able to run.

We split up the running duties.  Daddy and Will would represent the family in the 1 mile.  Mommy and Jack would represent in the 5K.

Pre-race warm-up activities:
I'm comin afta ya!
Will psyching himself up before the race.

The pre-race stretching.
We may not look athletic, but we were feeling it.

The 1 mile fun run was first.

Will and Brent are lining up with the other runners.

Earlier in the day, Will was talking about wanting to "win the race", which led to an important discussion about doing your personal best and finishing the race.  We told him how proud we were that he wanted to run; not many 4 year olds can run a mile.

And here they come to the finish line!
WILL RAN A MILE!  Good job, buddy!

Brent said that Will ran for 2/3 of the way and then they came upon a big hill.  They decided to walk up the hill.  Wise move.  When Jack and I saw them round the corner into the school parking lot, we started yelling and cheering for him.  You could see Will's face just light up!  He was so excited.  And he just looked so cute.  =)

Next up was the 5K...

Jack's teacher, Ms. Ross, was also running.  She was excited that Jack was stepping up to the challenge.

That's my boy!
We're psyched and we're ready!  Bring it!

And we're off.  Due to our amazing speed, it was hard for the camera to capture us clearly!

And what did Will do to entertain himself while Jack and I were running?  He practiced all of his grumpy faces.

Our little curmudgeon needs to keep his skillz sharp.

Oh wait!  Here we come...
Jack raises his hand in triumph!  He sees the finish line and he knows he's gonna make it!
A 5K completed at 7 years old!  Way to go, baby!

We're finished and we're happy.

After the race, I asked Brent, "Now that you've run the mile, do you think you might take up running?"  To which he quickly responded, "Nope.  Hated every minute of it!"  Hahahaha!

We enjoyed a picnic dinner of hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, chips, fruit and cookies.  We stayed for the awards ceremony, and then headed home for baths and bed.

It was a fun day challenging ourselves to push beyond our comfort zones.  We'll do it again next year!


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