Thursday, March 24, 2011

Will's ABC Favorites

I've seen an ABC meme circulating around the blog world lately, and while I wasn't really interested in playing myself, I was intrigued by how my boys would answer such a questionnaire.  So I changed the categories to be more pertinent to their lives and set about interviewing them.  Most of the questions were  "What is your favorite...", but their ages and weights are accurate information (they love to weigh themselves and know exactly how much they weigh).  They both loved playing and it was fun for me, too!

A. Age: 4

B. Book: The Llama Llama books

C. Color: red

D. Dessert: "Turkish Delight" = chocolate pudding with whipped cream and sprinkles (The name Turkish Delight came from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe)

E. Elephant or Ibis: Elephant (Alabama)

F. Friend: Truck Monkey (stuffed animal) & Brody in my class

G. Game: Sonic game (for his DS)

H. Holiday: Christmas

I. I Like About Me: my body and my brain

J. Job When You Grow Up: astronaut

K. Kisses or Hugs: hugs

L. Laugh Out Loud: when somebody tickles me

M. Memory: when I got to get my Sonic DS game

N. Nicknames: Willie B, Willie the BB

O. Oranges or Apples: apples...apples are my favorite fruit!

P. Pet Peeve: when people do everything and I just have to sit there and watch

Q. Quiet or Loud: quiet

R. Restaurant: Chick-fil-A, I love chicken nuggets!

S. Sport: baseball & hockey

T. Thing To Do: watch TV

U. Underwater Animal: orca whale

V. Vegetables You Don't Like: broccoli

W. Weight: 40 pounds

X. EXcellent At: playing the Star Wars DS game

Y. Yummy Food: raw cookie dough

Z. Zoo Animal: the squirrel monkey


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