Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 9

Saturday, February 26

It was an absolutely beautiful day!  Perfect!  We all spent the day having fun.  Brent fired up the grill and the chiminea for the inaugural BBQ of 2011.  We love sitting out on the deck by the fire with a glass of wine or a cold beer.  This warm weather was a reminder that it is time for the 2011 inaugural pedicure, too!  
Sunday, February 27

Will loves to swing...LOVES, LOVES, LOVES!  This afternoon, he had several turns on the swing, and each time he would yell, "Higher!  I want to go higher!"  We started working on how to pump his legs so that he can swing as high as he wants.  Will was "very angry" with me when he had to get off the swing so someone else could have a turn.
Monday, February 28

I woke with a jolt this was Teacher Appreciation Day at Will's school, Will was to bring flowers for each teacher, and I had completely forgotten!  So after I got Jack off to school, I made a mad dash to Kroger's and found these lovely red roses.  The upside to this panic was that I now have a half dozen roses to enjoy.  I thought the roses were especially pretty in the early morning light.

Tuesday, March 1

Cheese pizza and a big ol' cherry Icee for two...all for less than the cost of a Happy Meal.  What could be better?!?!  Nothing, but the company of my cute date.  Although, I did notice that Will didn't wear any body spray for me!

Wednesday, March 2

This picture just makes me smile!  Jack enjoying a Rainbow Pushup with one hand while trying to play his DS with the other.  The crazy Cat in the Hat knockoff hat Jack is wearing is in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday.

Thursday, March 3

Will had his good buddy from school, Brody, over to play this morning.  The weather was gorgeous and Brody is an outside guy, so we walked down to the neighborhood playground.  Will narrated an elaborate adventure that we were on all the way there.  We had to do different things (jump over a crack, jump on a manhole cover, pick up sticks) to go from world to world until we reached the playground.  The boys played and played and then we came home (more adventures...this time they were protecting me from bad guys with their magic wands) where they played some more while I got lunch ready.  Over lunch, Brody had Will pinkie promise that they would always be best buddies!

Friday, March 4

This week Will's class has been learning about the circus and today was clown day!  Will told me that clowns wear their shirts backwards, pants rolled up, different socks, and mismatched that is just what we did, plus we added the rainbow hair for fun!   And the hair was a big hit with the teachers and other kids during carpool.  The children made clown hats and collars to wear with their outfits and performed their very own circus in the gym.  Will brought home popcorn (Pirate's Booty) and cotton candy to enjoy this afternoon.  Next to pajama day, this was the most fun school day!


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