Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 12

Saturday, March 19

Will's first T-ball game was today.  He put on his jersey and his authentic major league Red Sox cap and suddenly he looked like a boy to me.  An 8 year old boy.  And while I was excited for him because he was so excited, I wanted to just cry because my baby, MY BABY Y'ALL, is turning into a BOY right before my very eyes.  Please make the growing up stop!  Pleeeease!

Sunday, March 20

When Brent was in law school, we treated ourselves to a pair of new bikes.  We had so much fun riding those bikes together.  Then we had a baby and moved to another state.  And the bikes were put away.  Brent decided that it was time to start enjoying our bikes again.  So he pulled them out this weekend, cleaned them up, got new tubes for the tires, and we rode our bikes again.  And it was fun again!

Monday, March 21

Maybe because it was one of the coldest winters on record for our area and I am so over winter, but I am really enjoying Spring this year, more than I remember enjoying Spring in a long time.  The tulip trees, the hyacinth, the tulips, the daffodils, the Bradford pears, the cherry trees...they are so beautiful!  Watch out Fall, Spring might just edge you out for my favorite season of the year.

Tuesday, March 22

The tables were turned...Jack was waiting on the sidelines while Will had T-ball practice.  While entertaining himself with my MP3 player, Jack found the song Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) by Chris Tomlin.  He has sung this song during Mass at school, so he was having a great time gettin' his praise on, completely oblivious that all of us around him could hear his singing!  I am sure the Lord enjoyed it just as much as we did.  =)

 Wednesday March 23

This week, Will's class is studying dinosaurs and today, they were paleontologists on a dinosaur dig!  He jumped in the car telling me that he ate dirt and bones.  Come to find out that Will used his shovel (spoon) to dig through the dirt and rocks (Fruity Pebbles) until he found the bones (gummies).  Preschool is so much fun!

Thursday, March 24

Report card day.  Jack brought home an excellent report card!  We, of course, are so proud of him.  He asked if we could go to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner, and that sounded like a reasonable reward to me.  We met Daddy at work and then walked next door to CPK.  Jack devoured his BBQ chicken pizza and then talked us into Key Lime pie.  Yum yum yum!

Friday, March 25

These feet served me well today on my 5 mile run, so they deserved a little pampering.  My pedicure lady did a fantastic job massaging them; she spent a long time massaging and massaging and massaging.  She is such a dear!  Don't the piggies look purty?!?!  Now they won't feel naked and embarrassed in yoga class anymore.


BeverlyB said...

Enjoyed Chris Tomlin's Amazing Grace so much. I'm going to download some of his music to my IPod. Thanks

Amy said...

I think you would enjoy Third Day, too. My favorite is "I've Always Loved You."

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