Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 11

Saturday, March 12

Beautiful, beautiful weather today!  Jack and Will spent all day outside, partly because Daddy declared that everyone would be playing outside and then promptly locked the door.  I don't know if Will crashed the party or not, but he never passes up a chance for food and fellowship.
Sunday, March 13

This little curly-headed cutie, affectionately nicknamed Princess Laughs Alot, loves Jack, and he absolutely adores her.  Whenever Jack is nearby, the Princess is always calling "Dack!  DACK!", just to make sure that she has his undivided attention.  She definitely has him wrapped around her finger because he just dotes on her.  Here Jack (aka Anakin Skywalker) is pulling Princess Laughs Alot all over the yard because her legs are too short to reach the pedals and she wanted to ride the trike.  How's that for royal treatment!

Monday, March 14

After dinner tonight, we noticed that our woodland friends were also enjoying their evening meal.  We counted at least 20 deer across the fence.  Now if they would only stay on the other side of the fence, then all would be well.  But they don't.  They help themselves to our roses, daylillies, and hydrangeas.  Thus, leading Brent to wage war over his flower beds.  Ahhh, nature!

Tuesday, March 15

Have I mentioned before what a great frat boy Will is going to be?!?!  Here he is practicing his skillz.  This picture will be excellent material for his wedding rehearsal slide show.  Our little monkey makes me laugh every. single. day.

Wednesday, March 16

I have been going in to Brent's office several hours a week to help with administrative work...can't beat free labor!  Today, I wasn't able to get everything done before it was time to pick the boys up from school, so we went back to Daddy's office this afternoon.  They love visiting Daddy at work.  Will thinks that Daddy's office is better than our house and he wishes that he could live there.  I am suspicious that his desire to relocate has something to do with the unlimited supply of chocolate found in Brent's partner's office.

Thursday, March 17

It was a fun St. Patrick's Day!  Both boys had leprechauns visit their classrooms.  Will's class tried to trap the leprechaun, but he was too quick and sneaky.  The leprechaun did leave them chocolate gold coins as a little surprise, very nice considering they were trying to catch him!  The leprechaun that came to Jack's class gave each of them a shamrock with a poem written on it and a penny for good luck.  Jack wanted a special Irish dinner, so I made Shepherd's Pie for the first time and it was delicious!  Then we had these cute 'Gold at the End of the Rainbow' cupcakes for dessert.  (Artistic license taken with the Airheads rainbow...use your imagination, people!)

Friday, March 18

Just recently, Will had started biting his nails.  A nervous habit, I know, but one we didn't want to turn into a lifelong habit.  So we made a deal...if he could stop biting his nails and let them grow "some white", then we would buy him a new game for his DS.  Last week, Will and I went to Target, he looked at all the DS games, and decided that he wanted a Sonic game.  That very day, Will stopped biting his nails.  And tonight, when we "saw enough white" that we were convinced Will had conquered this habit, we went to Target and he got his game!  And he is so excited!  And we are so proud of him!



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