Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 10

Saturday, March 5

The pirate party was a success!  Everyone had fun jumping, sliding and dancing, and there were no injuries!  Will blew out 4 candles for the second time in less than 3 months, leading Brent to ask Will if that made him 8 years old.  "Dad-dy!"

 Sunday, March 6

I love new Crocs...they are so bright, colorful and clean!  This year, we added some Jibbitz to jazz 'em up a bit.  Will wanted red ones because that is his favorite color.  I'm taking bets on how long they stay red before beginning to fade to pink...anyone?

Monday, March 7

Jack had one of our carpool buddies over for a playdate while her brother was having his all boys birthday party.  They had a good time playing outside on the mini trampoline and inside on the Wii.  I love that our friend is in shorts while Jack has on his heavy winter coat!

Tuesday, March 8

Today was the last class of this session of gymnastics, and the last day means ribbon/certificate day.  Ms. Ema will call out each child's name, and they stand in front of the class with their certificate held high while all the kids and parents clap for them.  This session, Will's class was made up of all boys!  It was a fun class, although it could get a little silly at times.  The last session of the school year starts next week, and all of the boys will be back...should be a crazy good time!
Wednesday, March 9

I hadn't paid attention to the weather forecast, so the fact that it was going to rain all day today caught me completely off guard.  And as luck would have it, I had to go to the grocery store.  I hate going to the grocery store in the rain.  But my family would be expecting something to eat come 6pm, so there was no way out.  After the errands were run, the boys and I spent the rest of the afternoon curled up in bed watching TV.  Now that's what I'm talking about!

Thursday, March 10

I love tulip trees!  I'm in awe of the large beautiful blush blooms resting on long thin spindly limbs.  A delicate beauty reminding me that spring is near even though the cold temperatures proclaim that winter hasn't left yet.  Mother Nature's picture of the seasonal holding pattern we're in right foot in winter and one in spring.

Friday, March 11

and trying (unsuccessfully) to stay dry!  We spent the afternoon at the Nature Center playing by (in) the creek.  I don't know if it is just my boys, or boys in general, but water has a magnetic pull on Jack and Will.  Once, when Jack was 2 years old, we were walking through a parking lot covered with rain puddles.  I knew the look on his face all too well and said "Don't do it!  Don't do it!", right as he landed with both feet in the middle of the puddle.  A gentleman, walking about 5 yards away from us, started laughing hysterically.



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