Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Party Day, Will!

**Warning: An obnoxious amount of pictures to follow**

Saturday, almost three months after his actual birthday, we celebrated Will's birthday with all of his friends!  Poor thing, that's what happens when you were born 3 days before Christmas!  But the birthday boy didn't mind one bit...he was so excited to have a party with his friends!

Will had a pirate themed party at a local inflatable place.  Of course, there was lots and lots of jumping and sliding...

This was the only picture I got of Will sliding that wasn't blurry.  He'll be proud to tell you that he was going FAST!

The space alien inflatable was outer space obstacle course.

Up they go...

...and down they come!  How sweet to see these two cuties holding hands.

Will and this sweet girl have been in class together since they were 1 [and I have loved her beautiful smocked and appliqued wardrobe  =)]!

Our good buddy, P, whom I call The Peacemaker.  There maybe hope yet for the Middle East.

One of Will's favorite friends demonstrating the head first slide.

My monkey showing off with a head first, backward slide.

The air hockey table was a party favorite.  Jack challenged both Daddy and Granddaddy to a game, and believe you me, it was some serious, albeit friendly, competition!
Daddy's face says "Game on, Dude!"

Look at that smile on Granddaddy's face!  Don't let it fool ya...he and Jack love to trash talk each other!
Just the night before, there was some taunting over Angry Birds.  Granddaddy: "Did you see that?!?!  Did you see that?!?!"; and after his turn, Jack: "Oh yeah!  I'm awesome!" 

Then we had a treasure hunt.  The director gathered all of the children in the party room to see the treasure that they would be finding.  He opened and shut the treasure box quickly and asked if everybody got a good look?  "Noooo!"  "Well, open your eyes really big!"  And that is what they did...

As they counted to 100 (or 40), the director hid the treasure out among all of the inflatables.  Before the treasure hunt started, everyone shouted "Happy Birthday, Will!"

Then ready, set, go...and the hunt began!

Next it was time for Dance Party USA!  And we had some dancers in the group!

Just look at my baby throwin' down on that floor...


And how precious is this?!?!

We closed out the party with cupcakes and ice cream.

 Mommy making a rare appearance from behind the camera to light the candles.
Gramma and Granddaddy were a big help!  Mom helped me take pictures, set up the party room, and get everyone served.  Dad was on security.  We posted him at the door of the inflatable room to make sure none of the guests escaped...and we didn't lose a single one!

 Arrr, ye scurvy dawgs!
 Ahoy there mateys!  Captain Will and his swashbucklers!
(I love that K, in the background, is wearing her earring in her nose like a bull!)

It was a fun party!  Will had a great time and all of his friends were having a blast, too!  He is already planning his 5th birthday party...a SONIC party!  Guess I better start researching about the speedy hedgehog...

Happy Birthday (again), Will!  
We are blessed beyond measure to be your parents!

We Love You,
Mommy and Daddy


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