Friday, July 3, 2009

We're off to the Beach!

For the past 2 days we have been fighting a summer stomach bug...yuck! Thursday morning, Jack woke up feeling awful. He had bouts of vomiting all day long, and it was hit or miss whether or not he could keep anything down. I was hoping that it was just a 24 hr bug, and he would wake up this morning feeling much better. Didn't happen. This morning he was still dry heaving. Fortunately, around lunchtime, the bug bit the dust and he is on the rebound. He was able to keep lunch, snack, and dinner down. But the real tell-tale sign of recovery was that he was back to irritating the mess out of Will, so officially we are back in the land of the living! I was beginning to worry that we would have to travel with a sick child tomorrow. I have been trying to wash my hands every time I came into contact with him, and trying to keep Jack and Will from breathing on each other (time will tell if I was successful or not). So following Murphy's Law logic, I will be carrying a bowl with us in the car in the hopes that if I have a 'throw up bowl' with us, then we won't need it. Wish us luck!

I told Brent that I was taking my laptop to the beach because I am totally addicted to the Internet and knew I would go into major twitching without my daily (hourly) fix! My plan was to find a Starbucks every afternoon for a little refreshment and some free WiFi. However, my wonderful husband spent a good hour setting my computer up so that I could tether to his blackberry and be able to surf from the beach house! Isn't that awesome?!?!? I just know that he got me all hooked up because he loves me and only wants to see me happy, and surely not because the thought of me leaving him with the two little heathens for a couple of hours every day scared the socks off of him ;-)!! Have you ever seen the Southwest commercial where the frail, elderly grandfather is running down the street babe in arms screaming, "Don't leave us with the babies!"? Totally Brent! But I love ya, babe!

So the car is in filled to the gills, gassed up, and ready. We'll hit Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts first thing, because really, our weekend hasn't officially begun without them, and then...................................

Check back in for details of all of the craziness. Cause there will be details o'plenty!

Have a wonderful 4th!


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