Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Tonight we celebrated the 8th anniversary of Brent's 29th birthday! The boys really jazzed up the happy birthday song with a few, well placed "cha-cha-chas"! You just can't deny talent. For the birthday dinner, we had chicken Marsala and roasted asparagus, one of Daddy's favorite meals and then the piece de resistance...BIRTHDAY CAKE!

Just look at the blaze!

Daddy 'needed help' to blow out all of those candles!

Brent got some great gifts this year: new furniture for the deck, sunglasses, a subscription to Consumer Reports, a Starbucks gift card, and a Miami Hurricanes polo (Jack's favorite football team according to Jack. Hearing those words was probably the best present Daddy received...evidence that his brain washing has firmly taken hold!). And even a gift from above, the heavens opened up and we had a nice rain shower this evening. A much needed refreshment for the lawn and gardens!

And have we mentioned that Will loves him some sugar?!?! As we are eating cake, we look over and Will has finished eating his piece and is now eating the icing straight off of the cake with his fork!
See the corner missing the icing? Will has left his mark!

Ahhhh, the sugar high is kicking in!
I guess bedtime will be a bit delayed tonight!

Happy Birthday, Daddy! We love you!


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