Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another Little Fish in the Making?

Big news at our house....Will is swimming! Considering that he started the summer at the pool with a death grip on me, this is huge progress for our little man.

Friday afternoon as Will and I were headed to meet Mom to pick up Jack from his week at Zoo Camp, Brent called to say that after a morning in court, he was headed home for the afternoon. He offered to take Will home and they could go to the pool, so that Will didn't have to spend the afternoon riding up and down the interstate. Wonderful! We met Brent at his office and Will was beyond excited when he learned that he got to ride in Daddy's car. That never happens, so it was a treat almost better than Christmas!

Brent loaded up all of the pool paraphernalia and headed to the pool. At the pool, he realized that he left Will's swim vest at home...uh oh! So Brent says, "Will, today is the day that you learn how to swim!"

A little background on Will: the child doesn't like to get his face wet...AT ALL! He screams when he gets water in his eyes as we are washing his hair! I have to have a wash cloth near by to wipe his face off in the bath. At the beginning of the summer, he wasn't comfortable in the pool at all. He has made progress and gotten very comfortable in his swim vest and has thoroughly enjoyed bobbing around in the pool.

So back to Friday afternoon: Brent put Will on the steps of the pool and held his hands out for Will to jump into them. And slowly Brent backed further away until Will jumped and went underwater. Brent pulled him up and started cheering and praising him saying, "Yay Will! You're swimming! Good Job!" The praise was addicting and Will wanted to try over and over again.

By the end of the afternoon, Will was 'swimming' under water to Brent. Will's swimming looks very much like Jack's swimming did at 2 years old....under water, legs kicking, body wiggling. No pictures of Will swimming yet; we went to the water park today instead of back to the pool. I'll get my friend to take a picture of him swimming this week when we are at the pool. I can't wait to see Will swim myself!


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