Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Day of Prizes

At the beginning of the summer, Jack joined the library's summer reading program. He had to read 10 books, record them in a journal, return the journal to the library by August 1, and he would receive a prize.

The ten books that Jack read for the program were:
1. This is the House Where Jack Lives by Joan Heilbroner
2. The Great Snake Escape by Molly Coxe
3. Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff
4. God Loves You Very Much (a Veggie Tales book...actually, it was one of the first books I read to Jack when he was 5 months old)
5. Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin
6. Here Comes the Snow by Angela Shelf Medearis
7. Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
8. The House in the Night by Susan Marie Swanson & Beth Krommes
9. Mouse Soup by Arnold Lobel
10. Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel

Last night, Jack finished reading Frog and Toad are Friends, so this afternoon I picked him up from Art Camp and we headed to the library to claim his prize.

He turned his journal into the librarian, who complimented him on his achievement. She awarded him a certificate and had him write his name on the card of his choice to hang on the summer reading program wall of the library. We also filled out a card for Jack to be entered into a grand prize drawing. And then the librarian handed him a goodie bag. I was a little worried that the gift bag wouldn't be too exciting because at first glance it looked like some play dough, crayons, stickers, tattoos and a bookmark. Once we got to the car, Jack opened up the bag and there were also gift certificates for a free ice cream cone from Bruster's, a free ice cream cone from Chick-fil-A, and a free curly fries from Arby's. Now that is a nice reward! Yay, Library! And surprisingly, that little container of play dough provided lots of entertainment for Jack this afternoon...ya just never know!

Here is Jack, prizes in hand, pointing out his name on the library wall.

Jack wasn't the only one to win a prize. This week, the gym is launching new routines for all of their group exercise classes. At Saturday's Power class, they gave away Power bars and gift certificates for a free Chick-fil-A sandwich to everyone in the class. They also had drawings for other prizes, but I didn't win anything. Today at the Active class, my number was drawn and I won a gym bag! Woo Hoo! And it is a really cool bag =). I think it is too big to be a gym bag (or at least I don't carry that much stuff with me to the gym), but it will make a great overnight or weekend bag. I was so excited because I never win anything like this!

As the saying goes...it's the little things in life!


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