Friday, March 27, 2009


I have been sick since Wednesday night. It started out as a fever and muscle aches. I thought I might have a light case of the flu despite having gotten the flu mist. Thursday, I didn't have a fever but still achiness and nausea. Then today, I have had a GI bug. So who knows what I have?!?! But luckily, I am the only one who has been affected. Hold on while I go knock on wood....

I have been mothering in survival mode. Yesterday, Will was in school until noon and Jack stayed until 2:30. That helped in that I was able to rest during the morning and nap while Will was napping. Last night, the kids had warmed up spaghetti and meatballs for dinner (which is their favorite meal so they were happy) and Brent had 2 egg sandwiches (which he didn't seem to mind having for dinner). Then my wonderful husband went out and got me a chocolate milkshake!

Today, Brent took Jack to school for Donuts with Dad. They had doughnuts and oj, Jack showed Brent his classroom and what they do all day, and Jack gave Brent a picture that he drew of Daddy. And Jack also gave Brent a Q&A that he had done about his daddy. The results: Brent is 46, an accountant, his favorite meal is spaghetti & meatballs, his favorite sport is basketball, he drives a silver Lexus, and Jack and Daddy like to go to Home Depot 2 of 6 isn't bad! Brent said, "Jack, I'm 36 not 46" to which Jack replied, "Yeah, that was a good try by me." Then the Dads and their children went to view their class artwork display which was conveniently located right in the middle of the school's book fair! Whoever thought of that idea is pure genius! Jack came home with two new books as I am sure every other kid did as well; you know those daddies are pushovers!

Will was home with me all morning and as I review our day's activities it only confirms that my winning the Mother of the Year 2009 award was totally justified. Will's breakfast was Lucky Charms, followed by watching Clifford the Big Red Dog and Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse. He did play with his cars & trucks beside me while I laid in bed. Then he had not 1 but 2 Curious George fruit snacks while watching "Monkey George". Then more cars & trucks and a little bit of Elmo on the computer, all while I am still laying in the bed. For lunch, a banana with peanut butter and then nap time (for both of us). So that the school wouldn't call Child Protective Services on me, I finally had to change out of my pajamas to go pick up Jack and on the way home, we stopped by McDonald's for milkshakes. And I am happy to report that we all survived (barely, it was touch and go at the end) until Brent came home bearing dinner!

So my child's brain is mush and his teeth are rotting from all the sugar, but would you expect anything less from Mother of the Year?

Hopefully, I will be on the rebound tomorrow, but at least I have Daddy reinforcement to make sure the children actually leave my bedside this weekend.


Blythe said...

A woman's got to do, what a woman's got to do... no judgement here sister!

Amy said...

Thank you! I knew you would have my back =)!

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