Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Because the Suspense Must be Killin' Ya!

Remember when I couldn't decide what shorts to buy for the pirate shirt? Well, I am sure you have just been sitting on pins and needles waiting to know how I solved this mind-boggling problem! The general consensus was that for little boys, khaki goes with everything. Blythe, my sister-in-law and fashion guru, had several good suggestions, including a light blue brushed cotton, orange gingham, or any type of black & white shorts...a check, stripe, or plaid. I searched all of my usual online children's clothing sites and couldn't find any black & white shorts. But I did find a navy ticking stripe at Target that I think will work. When held up against the black shirt, the shorts look gray. And then I have khaki as a backup. I think the striped shorts will work on an active 5 year old boy...don't you?

Aren't these sandals cute?

Another Target find...$19.99 and they had to come home with me! The moral of this story is that I need to stay out of Target. But I think they will spruce up the 'mom uniform' a bit this summer. I would have modeled the shoes for you, but my toes are nekkid right now. Hopefully, I can get that much needed spring pedicure this weekend....I know my feet will thank me!

And I have to tell you that my husband ROCKS!! For my birthday (in February) he said that he would get me a laptop computer, and we got it on Monday =). I have had so much fun setting up my very own computer with all my very own stuff! And if you are wondering what all the excitement is about because 'hey, a little FYI, laptops have been around for at least a decade now'...I know, but sadly, I am not very current in the tech field. No blackberry or IPhone for me; I am still using my basic cellular phone (that is, when I remember to turn it on), although I do consider it an upgrade since it can take pictures (if I only knew how to do that). Maybe you can now appreciate how I feel so trendy! So you just might see me at Starbucks Saturday morning typing away, surfing the Internet, or any number of computer-type activities, because that is what all the cool people do (or did about 5 years ago).

Or so I hear...


Blythe said...

So cute!

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