Thursday, March 5, 2009

He Makes Me So Proud

Jack has been taking gymnastics ever since he was 3. We decided to enroll him so that he could continue to improve his gross motors skills, which were a bit behind his peers due to his hypotonia. He started out in a pre-gym class, which was basic tumbling skills. And at 3 years of age, Jack needed work on the basics like jumping, forward roll, balance, etc. And I have said at least a hundred times that gymnastics has been his PT for these 2 1/2 years, but in a much more fun format! Last fall, Ms. Ema said that she thought Jack was ready to move up to the beginners class, which is for 4-6 year olds who have no previous gymnastics experience. So Jack started classes with Ms. Valerie, who is equally as wonderful an instructor as Ms. Ema. And over the last 6 months, I have watched Jack go from being in the lower half of the class abilities-wise (but he was keeping up) to being one of the best in his class. And I was thrilled to see that he appreciated his improvement! Because, truthfully, and it hurts my heart every time I think about it, there aren't going to be too many athletic endeavors that Jack will be one of the very best. So I thought that it was important for him to really enjoy this.

Last Tuesday was the last gymnastics class for the winter session. I was able to take a few pictures (although not the best quality) of Jack practicing some of the skills. Jack has really improved on the bars...I don't think I ever really appreciated the strength that it takes to support oneself on the bars, much less do 'tricks'. And if we are being honest, I am not sure I would have the courage to do most of the skills that they do on the floor, bars or beam. The 3rd pic is Jack doing either a yee-haw, which is a precursor to the handstand, or a cartwheel; I can't remember which. Ms. Valerie would always give Jack lots of "awesomes, excellents, and fantastics" for his yee-haws and cartwheels. And the last pic is of our cute gymnast with his achievement ribbons.

At the end of the class, Ms. Valerie said that she thought Jack was ready for the Novice 1 class, which is for 5-7 year olds with gymnastics experience. She felt that he had improved on the skills they had been working on and was ready to work more independently. The mamma bear in me wanted Jack to stay in the beginner class and enjoy being one of the best in the class. Brent's reaction was to move him up to the novice class, because we need to keep challenging him. And Brent was absolutely right...our goal for Jack is to continue to improve strength, balance, and coordination, which can only happen if he is continually pushed. But I have found this to be the constant struggle for me...wanting to make 'this' all better for him, protecting him from hurt vs. continuing to push, challenge and encourage him to work and improve.

So Jack moved up to Novice. When we got to the class, Jack was a bit hesitant but joined in. This class is going to be challenging...lots of handstands, backward somersaults, and even working on the beginnings of a handspring. A chance to work on upper body strength, for sure! After class, Jack was excited and thought that the Novice class was alot of fun! I was so glad that we decide to move him up and I look forward to watching him continue to improve!


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