Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Wheels & Dinosaurs

Saturday morning after we hit Starbucks (just trying to do our part for the economy!), we went on what turned out to be a lengthy search for a scooter for Jack and a "baby" Big Wheel for Will. Jack tried out a neighbor's scooter this week and really liked it, but it was one of those 2 wheel "razor" types and he hadn't quite mastered the balance needed for it. So we thought that a 3 wheel scooter would be a perfect starter to help him improve his balance in preparation for a razor and riding a bike. Toys R Us had these 'cool' Spiderman scooters! And we had a gift certificate from Christmas that we got to use =)! Thanks Uncle Bill, Aunt Marianthe, and Alexis! Jack has enjoyed riding all weekend.

Will loves to ride Jack's Big Wheel but his legs aren't quite long enough to reach the pedals...but that hasn't stopped him one bit, he just pushes it along with his feet! There is a My First Big Wheel, or "baby" Big Wheel, made for the 1-3 year old crowd that is just the right size to learn how to pedal. And this is where the quest began....Toys R Us didn't have it, and each of the 2 Targets that we went to had the Princess My First Big Wheel, but not the red and yellow boy version. I called a 3rd Target and they had 1 left so I hurried over and got it! Who knew that these My First Big Wheels were so popular?!?! Will got the concept of pedaling and actually pedaled some, but when he needed to go fast he would push with his feet. Oh well! Hopefully by summer, he will be pedaling up a storm!

Jack's other weekend activity was setting up an elaborate Dinosaur Museum on our front porch. And really, it was quite impressive for a 5 year old. He had all of his dinosaur figures lined up and he told you the name and special characteristics of each one (and before you are overly impressed, about 50% of the time the names and characteristics were completely Jack-invented. But in Jack's mind, this is just a mere technicality!) Then he had two different sized sticks...the long one was the carnivore's tooth and the shorter one was the herbivore's tooth. He also had different types of vegetation that a herbivore would eat. Next was a display of dinosaur bones (more sticks) and Jack would give you facts about each dinosaur bone and you would have to guess the name of the dinosaur. And since my dinosaur knowledge is limited to about 6 dinosaurs, it made for an interesting lesson. Can I just say that I have learned enough about dinosaurs this weekend to last me a good, long while!


Beverly B said...

Sounds like a fun weekend.

Amy said...

It was nice to be outdoors!

Anonymous said...

You should have told us and you could have had our Little Big Wheel. Santa brought Brady one b/c he loves to ride Cal's. Brady will not get on the "Little" Big Wheel. He still ONLY rides Cal's.

Amy said...

That sure would have saved us the scavenger hunt for this one! While Will was napping, we put Jack's Big Wheel in the crawl space because I thought if it was still in sight, Will wouldn't have anything to do with the baby Big Wheel. I think as soon as Will gets the hang of pedaling, the baby Big Wheel will be put away and the big Big Wheel will come out again.

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