Monday, February 2, 2009

Mission Organization Continues

Snapped this picture real quick on our way to church yesterday. The longall Will is wearing is one that Jack wore when he was 3!

We had a fun day yesterday. It was beautiful outside with the highs in the low 60s, so Brent told the boys that they would be playing outside all afternoon while he trimmed up the hedges. Will was all over that and even Jack (our little vampire who thinks "the sun is too bright" or "it's too hot") didn't complain. They both came in at the end of the afternoon filthy and happy, just like little boys should be!

I spent the afternoon inside (Brent would say that I am the head vampire) continuing our version of Mission Organization. For those keeping score, I have cleaned out and organized the playroom and Will's closet, and have gotten the attic in a more manageable shape. This weekend I tackled organizing the filing cabinets, which were in a desperate state. I must admit that the filing cabinets really highlighted my perfectionist (or maybe OCD?) personality...and it wasn't pretty. Each category (finances, house, insurance, health, taxes, etc) is color-coded, with a file tab that is placed in a specific space according to its designated category. Each file folder is labeled with a computer printed label (because my handwriting wouldn't be neat enough!) that is centered just so in the file tab. Are you scared yet? And the sad thing is that as I was organizing the files I knew I was going overboard, but it made me feel better to have everything perfectly neat, even if I am the only person that will ever see them. It is a sickness, I tell ya! And what is worse is that I will open the file cabinets, admire the neat organization, and just smile. At this point, you are thinking "We have got to get this girl a life!" And you would be right! But as the saying's the little things in life!

Brent took the day off today! YAY!! Lately, he has been slammed at work, working long days and the past two weekends. They filed the summary judgement last week, so he needed a day off to decompress. This morning I had a kindergarten informational meeting at SJ to go to (it went very well, very excited about SJ), so Brent took Will to his gymnastics class. Will was so excited to have Daddy there! And Brent had fun having some one-on-one time with Will. Brent was surprised at how good Will is. And I knew exactly what he meant because I, too, had the same reaction after the first few classes with Will. After watching the effort that it took Jack to do these gross motor skills, it is surprising to see how seemingly effortless it is for Will. Just makes me so proud of all of Jack's hard work over the years. And I have noticed these last few weeks that Will is getting better about following directions and waiting his turn. Very important life skills...but so hard to master as a 2 year old!


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